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Acts mat map

Corentin Allaire requested to merge corentin/athena:acts-mat-map into master

Implementation of the Acts surface material mapping.

Some other tool necessary for the mapping and its validation where also added :

  • A Geometry writer that write Geometry and material map as json files
  • A converter from materialsteps to materialtracks (as the later are used by the Acts from the material mapping)
  • Material decoration was added to the tracking geometry
  • Material interaction was added to the extrapolation
  • A separate algorithm for material validation

An example of the validation is shown below : Ratio_Val_geant_mat_X0_Eta.pdf

The material mapping has been implemented for the Pixel and SCT. For the TRT and the Calorimeter we are looking to implement them as volume map. The volume mapping will be implemented once v0.23 of Acts is available in the external.

Merge request reports
