TileRecUtls+TileRecEx: Fix use of private Tile raw channel builder tools
TileRawChannelGetter has been updated to retrieve easy the following private Tile raw channel builder tools:
- TileRawChannelBuilderFitFilterCool;
- TileRawChannelBuilderMF;
- TileRawChannelBuilderOF1;
- TileRawChannelBuilderWienerFilter. and to set up correctly DSP container in TileRawChannelBuilderOF1 tool.
JO (jobOptions_TileCalibRec.py) used in reconstruction of Tile calibration runs has been updated:
- to use correctly private tools mentioned above;
- to add 2020 year (used to find data);
- to ignore DMU errors in Tile Demonstrator;
- to use new conditions tags.