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TriggerJobOpts+TriggerMenuMT: Add option to select chains for testing

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:trig-select-chains into master

Adding a very useful option for testing triggers - the possibility to run only a subset of chains from the menu by providing a list of chain names from command line. This can be simply done by adding -c "selectChains=['name1', 'name2', 'name3']" to the command with the runHLT_standalone job options.

Example command, tested: \
-c "setMenu='LS2_v1';doEmptyMenu=True;doMuonSlice=True;selectChains=['HLT_mu26_ivarmedium_L1MU20','HLT_mu50_L1MU20'];" \
--imf --threads=1 --evtMax=20 \
--filesInput=/cvmfs/ \

The addition of this option was triggered by ATR-21512, but it has many more use cases. Examples I can think of include various performance tests and testing a new chain during development (particularly useful for PEB chains to see data streamed by one chain only).

cc @markowen, @ckaldero, @tbold, @smh

Merge request reports
