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Creation of NewVrtSecInclusiveTool
This is an upgraded version of the VrtSecInclusive algorithm intended to replace previous version in many tasks Changes with respect to original version:
- Outdated Graph(CERNLIB) package is replaced by Bron&Kerbosch algorithm from BOOST
- Fake(fragmentation+pileup) and hadronic interaction vertices are removed using a dedicated MVA
- Additional material interaction rejection is based on the TrackingGeometry material layers
- Many improvements in vertex topology resolution
- One-track vertices are allowed (e.g. 3 track system, where one track crosses 2 others in different places, so that 3-track vertex has inacceptable Chi2, will be resolved as 2-track + 1-track vertices). This allows to get 2 vertices in case of e.g. cascade B->D decay with 3 reconstructed tracks in total.
- Algorithm is converted to Tool for convenience of usage in other Algorithms.
- Several tool configurations, suitable for different problems, are provided, e.g.: SoftBFinderTool - targeting Soft b-tagging for SUSY InclusiveBFinderTool - inclusive B-hadron decay reconstruction (a la CMS/D0) for "normal" b-tagging DVFinderTool - search for displaced vertices produced by exotic particles ….