Restructure HLTMenu JSON
Neaten HLTMenu JSON structure for better readability and splitting out streams information. Full example of change to the file on ATR-19837
- -> Split Stream information (saves ~1000lines from LS2 MenuJson)
- HLTChain:streams -> now a list of strings
- HLTMenu:streams -> adds access to the properties of all streams
- StreamTagMakerTool and TrigSignatureMoniMT (cc @rbielski ) updated to use the new/changed functions
- TrigConfIO for C++ test and also added streams to python access
- TriggerMenuMT test to new ordered dictionary JSON format (and bug in reporting failures of tests)
- to write in the new HLT Menu format
Separate MR to update the rulebook to be able to read from the updated format: atlas-trigger-menu/TrigMenuRulebook!534
Removing WIP after confirmed there aren't conflicts with work from @tamartin or other suggestions from @tbold
For future MR: add a HLTStream class to TrigConfData, but implementation here to focus on having updated JSON format for next tests at Point1
Edited by Mark Stockton