Remove wrongly used HepMC::Polarization
In this MR:
- replace complicated manipulations with polarization with a clear code. This also assures HePMC3 compatibility.
A bit detailed explanation for a potentially curious shifter:
Let us look at the following code:
double polX, polY, polZ;
HepMC::Polarization pol(0.0,0.0);
polX = polY = polZ = 0.0;
HepMC::Polarization pol;
pol.set_normal3d( HepGeom::Normal3D<double>( polX, polY, polZ ) );
In the end the last line is equivalent to
pol.set_normal3d( HepMC::ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
Where ThreeVector appears via a templated constructor.
The set_normal3d( const ThreeVector& )
is just the following code (return value is ignored)
ThreeVector Polarization::set_normal3d( const ThreeVector& vec3in ) {
set_theta( vec3in.theta() );
set_phi( vec3in.phi() );
m_defined = true;
return vec3in;
The theta()
and phi()
functions are
inline double ThreeVector::theta() const {
return m_x == 0.0 && m_y == 0.0 && m_z == 0.0 ? 0.0 : std::atan2(perp(),m_z);
inline double ThreeVector::phi() const {
return m_x == 0.0 && m_y == 0.0 ? 0.0 : std::atan2(m_y,m_x);
So in the end two levels of templates are involved, and at least 3 inline functions in HepMC only.
On the other hand the HepMC::Polarization
has a standard constructor
Polarization::Polarization( double theta, double phi )
: m_theta( valid_theta(theta) ),
m_phi ( valid_phi(phi) ),
m_defined( true )
{ }
which is doing the job w/o all these complications and actually validates the input.
To my opinion this is a remarkable example of how a trivial thing was overcomplicated.
Edited by Andrii Verbytskyi