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TriggerMenuMT: Stop producing L1 menu files during build

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:menumt_cleanup into master

The main change is to no longer produce the L1 menu files (.xml, .json) during the build and not install them any longer as part of the release. This technique was inherited from TriggerMenuXML, but no current job actually uses these pre-generated files. This simplifies the cmake configuration greatly and TriggerMenuMT is no longer forced to run at the end of the build.

To ensure menus are working, add a unit test for each L1 menu.

Some unrelated package cleanup:

  • Delete unused,,
  • Delete and instead inline the flags in
  • Move to python/ directory.

cc @stelzer @mark @tbold @rbielski

Edited by Frank Winklmeier

Merge request reports