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Improvements to MuonCombined (new configuration)

More work to get MuonCombinedConfig working.

Many fixes here - some to change differences in new/old configuration (i.e. new config bugs).

  • SiLayerBuilder.cxx and TrackingVolume - added extra debugging to help understand. The problem was fixed in !33781 (merged), but keep debugging info just in case.
  • removed import from old config, by addition of MdtCalibWindowNumber function
  • Since unfortunately MuonEDMPrinterTool needs to be configured to stop it trying to access NSW data in run-2 jobs, added this configuration
  • MuonTrackScoringTool handle the case where a summary is missing.
  • Added lots of missing configuration to and

Please not that there are quite a lot of bits of commented code in this is because I'm actively debugging this and it's convenient just to uncomment.

Edited by Edward Moyse

Merge request reports
