Split SCT_RODDecoder::fillCollection method into several methods
Split SCT_RODDecoder::fillCollection method into the following methods because this method had more than 600 lines.
- fillCollection (main functionality is kept)
- processHeader
- processSuperCondensedHit
- processCondensedHit
- processExpandedHit
- processABCDError
- processRawData
- processTrailer
To share data among these methods, ShareData struct is introduced. This struct is also used in makeRDO method.
currentLinkIDHash variable is lengthy and changed to linkIDHash.
Although no result changes are expected, careful validation is necessary.
RunTier0Tests.py was fine. RunTier0Tests.log
Reco_tf.py --AMI q431 --inputBSFile ../data15_13TeV/data15_13TeV.00284484.physics_Main.daq.RAW._lb0200._SFO-1._0001.data --outputESDFile ESD.pool.root --maxEvents 200
was run without and with this MR to check Expanded mode. No differences were found in ESD.
Reco_tf.py --AMI q431 --outputESDFile ESD.pool.root --maxEvents 200
was run without and with this MR to check Super-Condensed mode. No differences were found in ESD.
Reco_tf.py --AMI q221 --outputESDFile ESD.pool.root --maxEvents 500
was run without and with this MR to check Condensed mode. No differences were found in ESD.
Edited by Susumu Oda