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DerivationFrameworkMuons : Implemented TrackAssociatedCaloSampleDecorator for low pT calo tag muon (ATLASMCP-87)

Hiroaki Hibi requested to merge hhibi/athena:MY_MUON1 into 21.2

I implemented a decoration tool that add variables about sampling of calorimeter cluster to InDetTrackParticle. This variables is used to low pt calo-tag muon.(disscassed in ). To cariblate the algorithm, I modified the MUON1 derivation. The compilation is fine, no errors or warnings. Also, I tested with 1000 event of mc16_13TeV.363123.MGPy8EG_N30NLO_Zmumu_Ht0_70_CVetoBVeto.merge.AOD.e4649_s3126_r9364_r9315 and data18_13TeV.periodM.physics_Main.PhysCont.AOD.t0pro22_v01 (High mu run).

I used the following commands asetup AthDerivation, --inputAODFile input.root --outputDAODFile out.pool.root --reductionConf MUON1 --AMITag p4164 --maxEvents 1000

This test was finish with "successful run". Also, increasing of data size was 0.71% and 0.91% respectivery.

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