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B-physics migration of Bmumux chains to AthenaMT (ATR-21639)

Migration of the TrigEFBMuMuXFex/TrigEFBMuMuXHypo to AthenaMT.

  1. Following triggers have been implemented
  • 'HLT_mu11_mu6_bBmumux_BpmumuKp_L1MU11_2MU6', B+ -> mu+ mu- K+
  • 'HLT_mu11_mu6_bBmumux_BcmumuPi_L1MU11_2MU6', B_c+ -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) pi+
  • 'HLT_mu11_mu6_bBmumux_BsmumuPhi_L1MU11_2MU6', B_s0 -> mu+ mu- phi1020(-> K+ K-)
  • 'HLT_mu11_mu6_bBmumux_BdmumuKst_L1MU11_2MU6', B0 -> mu+ mu- K*0(-> K+ pi-)
  • 'HLT_mu11_mu6_bBmumux_LbPqKm_L1MU11_2MU6', Lambda_b0 -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) p K-
  1. new 'bmumux' sequence has been added to provide the ID track reconstruction inside extended RoIs created around muons
  2. trigger decisions pass from the muEFCBSequence(step4) to TrigBmumuxComboHypo via TrigBphysStreamerHypo
Edited by Vladimir Lyubushkin

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