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Merge new MCTruthClassifier developments into master

Sukanya Sinha requested to merge susinha/athena:master-sstc into master

Defined a new function which checks for hadron/tau/BSM/Geant/uncategorised origin and returns the output as a bitset. Individual digits of the bitset are decorated into branches corresponding to above-mentioned classes.

SuperSimplifiedTruthClassifier(SSTC) classification scheme:

The following boolean flags are used:

  • fromGeant: the particle originates in a nuclear interaction or not [1/0].
  • uncat: HEPMC production vertex not found / found [1/0].
  • isBSM: the particle itself is a BSM particle or not [1/0].
  • fromBSM: there is a BSM particle in the ancestor chain or not [1/0]. Usual caveats apply.
  • fromhad: there is a hadron in the ancestor chain or not [1/0].
  • fromTau: there is a tau lepton in the ancestor chain or not [1/0].
  • isHadTau: there is a tau lepton with a hadronic mother in the ancestor chain or not [1/0].

Validity of the booleans

fromGeant uncat isBSM fromBSM fromhad fromtau isHadTau
fromGeant - X X X X X X
uncat X - X X X X X
isBSM X X - Y* Y Y Y
fromBSM X X X - Y Y Y
fromhad X X Y Y - Y Y
fromtau X X X Y Y - Y
isHadTau X X X X Y** Y -

(*) If a particle is BSM and also has another BSM particle in the ancestor chain, then both isBSM & fromBSM flags are switched on.

(**) Example Chain: Hadron -> Tau -> Hadron -> final particle


Runs only on truthparticles, which are leptons or photons or BSM now. Creates the 7 branches mentioned above. SSTC function runs in parallel with the original MCTC functions.


Sukanya Sinha (

Edited by Sukanya Sinha

Merge request reports
