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Fix BStoBS+Reco test and extend rewriteLVL1 option to work in offline athena

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:tat-fix-bstobs-test into master

Three separate changes but all needed to make the BS->BS (offline athena) -> ESD->AOD path work. This makes the trigAna_BStoBStoESDAOD test finally work and produce the expected outputs. The changes are:

  1. Fix pre-exec options in (fixes ATR-21648 and further downstream issues)
  2. Add offline-athena support to the rewriteLVL1 modifier
  3. Move the modifiers' postSetup call in to the end of the file (more correct and required for 2.)
Edited by Rafal Bielski

Merge request reports
