StoreGate: Fix potential deadlock between SGImplSvc and DataProxy
The SGImplSvc::proxy methods take out a lock on the store, fetch the proxy, then call isValid() on the proxy. DataProxy::isValid() will acquire a lock on the proxy and than can call back to the store via TransientAddress::contextFromStore(). Thus, we can get a deadlock if SGImplSvc::proxy() is called in one thread and DataProxy::isValid() in another.
Resolve by releasing the SGImplSvc lock in proxy() before calling DataProxy::isValid().
Merge request reports
added Core master review-pending-level-1 labels
CI Result SUCCESS (hash 3ab73357)Athena AthSimulation AnalysisBase AthGeneration externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available on this CI monitor view
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 7
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AnalysisBase: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthGeneration: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 16722]added review-approved label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
mentioned in commit 2582b90e
added sweep:ignore label