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Introduction of InDetEtaDependentCutsSvc in FTAG track selections

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:FTAG_IDEtaDepCuts into 21.9

This MR towards 21.9 addresses a point raised by @nstyles in ATLSWUPGR-104 to make in general the track selections more uniform across the various algorithms. Consequently the possibility to configure the TrackSelector and InDetVKalVxInJetTool used for IPXD or SV1 track selections to use the InDetEtaDependentCutsSvc has been implemented, still offering the possibility to use the old configuration. Beyond the software uniformity, this will also offer the possibility now to implement eta-dependent IP selections, which might be useful in the forward region.

In addition, some restructuration of the CutTrk module used with the InDetVKalVxInJetTool has been performed, to ensure consistency of the selections applied when running on Rec::TrackParticle or on xAOD::TrackParticle.

IP2D, IP3D and SV1 outputs were checked to be unchanged using either the old or the new configuration with Phase 2 samples and the configurations have been updated to use the new InDetEtaDependentCutsSvc, leaving the default configurations unchanged for other algorithms and for Phase 1 configurations.

FYI @nstyles @ncalace @kostyuk @cvarni @sanmay

Edited by Thomas Strebler

Merge request reports
