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TrigPSC: Save child histograms during stopRun

With atlas-tdaq-software/HLTMPPU!14 (merged) we made SkipFinalizeWorker the default. In order for the child histograms to be saved with the regular THistSvc they need to saved already at the end of the stop transition because finalize never happens. Call THistSvc::finalize for the workers at the end of stopRun. This also works in online mode with the TrigMonTHistSvc as the finalize() method of that service is empty.

If run with SkipFinalizeWorker=0 this also seems to work as the THistSvc gracefully handles the case where it is being finalized twice. However, this may of course change at any time. In that case we should make this behavior dependent on the value of SkipFinalizeWorker=0.

Relates to ATR-21715.

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