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Adding ART tests for BPHY13

Three ART tests for BPHY13 on data18/Main, data17/BphysLS and on a special MC16 input AOD are set up.

Copied MC input file AOD.14763670._000001.pool.root.1 (from mc16_13TeV.300500.Pythia8EvtGen_A14NNPDF23LO_NegWincl_nutau10_mu4mu2mu1.recon.AOD.e5333_s3126_r10652) to /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/data-art/grid-input/DerivationFrameworkART-grid-input so that it will be copied to CVMFS at /cvmfs/

Locally ran with success.

The ART tests are necessary before starting DAOD production for BPHY13 (four-muon analysis).

cc: @abarton

Edited by Wolfgang Walkowiak

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