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An attempt to apply dielectron mass hypo using ComboHypoTool (ATR-20757)

As mentioned in ATR-20757 Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigEgammaHypo/src/TrigEgammaDielectronMassHypoTool.h applies invariant mass cut on electron pairs.A new chain 'HLT_e20_lhmedium_e15_lhmedium_Zee_L12EM3' is added in Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/ to navigate these changes; I have put WIP since I am not being able to see the DEBUG prints in TrigEgammaDielectronMassHypoTool, is there a way to add Debug ComboHypoAlg (since Tool output comes from there)so I can verify the TrigEgammaDielectronMassHypoTool being used properly? adding @fernando , @tbold , @fpastore , @tamartin , @cjmeyer ; I get an output for HLT_e20_lhmedium_e15_lhmedium_Zee_L12EM3 but I want make sure whether I am getting it by using TrigEgammaDielectronMassHypoTool or the default precision tool I am very sure its taking default tool since

Configuring chain HLT_e20_lhmedium_e15_lhmedium_Zee_L12EM3 with 4 steps:
   - {'merged_Step1_Step1_1FastCaloRinger_electron_Step1_1FastCaloRinger_electron': [1, 1]}
   - {'merged_Step2_Step2_1fast_electron_Step2_1fast_electron': [1, 1]}
   - {'merged_Step3_Step3_1precisionCalo_electron_Step3_1precisionCalo_electron': [1, 1]}
   - {'merged_Step4_Step4_1precision_electron_Step4_1precision_electron': [1, 1]}

for TrigEgammaDielectronMassHypoTool I named the 4th step precision_topoelectron; I am brainstorming on this but if anyone can come with faster solution let me know. Thanks

Edited by Debottam Bakshi Gupta

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