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Rejecting tracks with shared hits and veto of peripheral region in the SCTLorentzMonTool

Arka Santra requested to merge arka-21.0.79-RejectedSharedHits into 21.0

In this MR, the following changes were done in order to study the Lorentz Angle of SCT sensors:

  1. Rejected tracks with shared hits.
  2. Added a veto in the peripheral region.
  3. Added track pT dependent profile plots in order to investigate Lorentz Angle as a function of track pT.
  4. Added profile plots with eta<0.5 cuts.
  5. For the selection of the tracks, hits in the SCT barrel were considered.
  6. Made etaModule dependent profile plots only for eta=1 and eta=-1 cases, not all.


Merge request reports
