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AthenaConfiguration + PerfMonComps: Adding some basic new-style configuration for the PerfMonMTSvc

This MR adds some basic new-style configuration for the PerfMonMTSvc. There are two new flags, PerfMon.doFastMonMT and PerfMon.doFullMonMT (both are false by default for the time being). Former toggles metric collection for the overall job while the latter toggles component-level measurements (which works best for --threads=1). One can use it w/ the syntax:

from PerfMonComps.PerfMonCompsConfig import PerfMonMTSvcCfg

Note that the underlying service is still in development, so I'd appreciate any feedback. I'll migrate other services under PerformanceMonitoring as the need arises.

cc: Let me add @tbold and @khoo since I know they've been interested in this.

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