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Apply GSF on electron tracks (ATR-21774)

Debottam Bakshi Gupta requested to merge dbakshig/athena:applyGSF into master

This MR introduces GSF on trackparticles before the are being processed in precision tracking of electrons, the workflow goes like (

get TrackParticles
apply offline EMBremCollectionBuilder on trackParticles
and carry on the rest of the precisionTracking process

but currently getting runtime error (lofFile: /afs/

Error highlights:

PrecedenceSvc                                  0    INFO Assembling CF and DF task precedence rules
PrecedenceRulesGraph                           0    INFO CondSvc found. DF precedence rules will be augmented with 'Conditions'
PrecedenceSvc                                  0   ERROR   Conditional (C) and/or unconditional (U) topology violations found in the DF realm:

 (U):  ( 'TTrainedNetworkCollection' , 'ConditionStore+PixelClusterNNWithTrack' )  <---- | FastTrackViewDataVerifier (U) | PixelClusterNnWithTrackCondAlg (U) | SGInputLoader (U) |
 (U):  ( 'TTrainedNetworkCollection' , 'ConditionStore+PixelClusterNN' )  <---- | FastTrackViewDataVerifier (U) | PixelClusterNnCondAlg (U) | SGInputLoader (U) |
 (C):  ( 'TrigRoiDescriptorCollection' , 'StoreGateSvc+MURoIs' )  <---- | IMl2Mu (C) | muFastRecoVDV (C) |
 (C):  ( 'SG::AuxVectorBase' , 'StoreGateSvc+MURoIs' )  <---- | IMl2Mu (C) | muFastRecoVDV (C) |
 (C):  ( 'RpcPrepDataCollection_Cache' , 'StoreGateSvc+RpcPrdCache' )  <---- | MuonPRDCacheCreator (C) | muDataPrepVDV_MUEFLATERoIs (C) | muDataPrepVDV_MUFSRoIs (C) | muDataPrepVDV_MURoIs (C) |
 (C):  ( 'SG::AuxVectorBase' , 'StoreGateSvc+HLT_TrigEMClusterOutput_links' )  <---- | TrigTopoEgammaPhotons (C) | topoEgammaBuilder_TrigElectrons (C) |
 (C):  ( 'CaloClusterCellLinkContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+HLT_TrigEMClusterOutput_links' )  <---- | TrigTopoEgammaPhotons (C) | topoEgammaBuilder_TrigElectrons (C) |

Adding @fernando , @cjmeyer , @tamartin , @christos , @jmasik

Edited by Debottam Bakshi Gupta

Merge request reports
