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add option to skip hard-coded chip edges, and apply this for ITk

Nicholas Styles requested to merge nstyles/athena:21.9-pixelSlimEdgeFix into 21.9

It was noticed that the 'IblPlanarChargeTool/IblPlanarBichselChargeTool` contains a block of code which applies hard-coded cuts on the local position of charge deposits to emulate the edges of the IBL sensors. When using these in ITk configurations this results in a small number (~0.5% or so) of RDOs being erroneously dropped.

These changes allow this hard-coded block to be skipped in ITk configurations. NB that in master this code has been completely re-written avoiding the need for such code, and so this is applied as a simple fix rather than making more comprehensive changes to code that won't be used in future releases.

This will change digi/reco output for ITk since it will allow RDOs to be created in the formerly forbidden edge areas, but not for the current detector.

FYI @ncalace @tstreble @npetters @asalzbur @tlari

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