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G4ExtraProcesses module

Miha Muskinja requested to merge mmuskinj/athena:master-G4ExtraProcesses into master

As discussed in ATLASSIM-4608, some particles (e.g. Xi_b) in Geant4 don't have EM physics processes assigned to them. This module adds a possibility to add EM processes to such particles.

Enabled with a preInclude: SimulationJobOptions/

Configured in SimFlags: mmuskinj/athena@f7815503

Print out indicating that it added processes to Xi_b:

INFO Adding EM processes for anti_xi_b-
INFO Adding EM processes for xi_b-

Verbose tracking for xi_b, indicating that it lost energy:

EVNTtoHITS 09:25:59 ---------> Dumping now track #202 barcode 10021 pdgID -5132 in event 4940034
EVNTtoHITS 09:25:59     1    -23.1    -4.27     33.3  2.52e+06 5.89e-06     33.4      33.4  SectionC02 Transportation
EVNTtoHITS 09:25:59     2    -23.1    -4.27     33.3  2.52e+06  0.00313  0.00146      33.4  SectionC03 Transportation
EVNTtoHITS 09:25:59     3      -24    -4.42     34.2  2.52e+06    0.276     1.26      34.7 SectionC108 Transportation
EVNTtoHITS 09:25:59     4      -24    -4.43     34.3  2.52e+06   0.0203   0.0874      34.7 SectionC109 Transportation
EVNTtoHITS 09:25:59     5      -24    -4.43     34.3  2.52e+06  0.00451   0.0175      34.8 SectionC110 Transportation
EVNTtoHITS 09:25:59     6    -24.3    -4.47     34.5  2.52e+06   0.0653     0.35      35.1 SectionC111 Transportation
EVNTtoHITS 09:25:59     7    -24.3    -4.47     34.6  2.52e+06   0.0101   0.0364      35.1    BeamPipe Transportation
EVNTtoHITS 09:25:59     8    -27.8    -5.05     38.3  2.52e+06 0.000827     5.12      40.3 Atlas::Atlas Transportation
EVNTtoHITS 09:25:59     9    -28.4    -5.16       39  2.52e+06 4.67e-05     0.99      41.3  IDET::IDET Transportation

Should also be swept into R21.

Edited by Miha Muskinja

Merge request reports
