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SLHC Reco preInclude updates

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:SLHC_preIncl_update into 21.9

This MR updates the SLHC preInclude used for Reco.

The first change affects the TrackingGeometry, whose configuration in the main preInclude was some outdated version always overwritten by in the recent r-tags. With that change, this extra preInclude won't be necessary anymore.

The second change is related to the settings of the b-tagging CalibrationTag used for SLHC, so far set in some of the specific algorithms config, while it affects all of them. This is moved here to a more generic place.

Those changes do no impact the output of reco.

FYI @nstyles @ncalace @khanov @nekumari

Merge request reports