WIP:Adding e26_lhtight_e15_etcut in LS2_v1
This MR adds e26_lhtight_e15_etcut in LS2_v1 (ATR-21211) along with some modification precisionElectronHypo, the log file can be found here /afs/cern.ch/work/d/dbakshig/public/ATR_21211_etCut/e26e15.log
, also because of this MR the current definition of etcut
will be changed (https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/blob/master/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Egamma/ElectronDef.py#L62), it will be
'etcut' : ['getFastCalo', 'getFastElectron', 'getPrecisionCaloElectron', 'getPrecisionElectron']
some highlights from the log file
INFO HLT_e26_lhtight_e15_etcut_Zee_L12EM3 #1772990364
INFO -- #1772990364 Events 3 3 3 3 3 1 - -
INFO -- #1772990364 Features 7 36 9 2 -
DEBUG Looking for HLT_e26_lhtight_e15_etcut_Zee_L12EM3 ID#1772990364 in the map. Map contains 2 legs
DEBUG Getting 2 legs to combine, for ID: HLT_e26_lhtight_e15_etcut_Zee_L12EM3 ID#1772990364
DEBUG Leg --
DEBUG leg001_HLT_e26_lhtight_e15_etcut_Zee_L12EM3 ID#688507627 HLTNav_EgammaPrecisionElectronHypoMT , 0
DEBUG leg001_HLT_e26_lhtight_e15_etcut_Zee_L12EM3 ID#688507627 HLTNav_EgammaPrecisionElectronHypoMT , 1
DEBUG Leg --
DEBUG leg000_HLT_e26_lhtight_e15_etcut_Zee_L12EM3 ID#2760947942 HLTNav_EgammaPrecisionElectronHypoMT , 1
DEBUG Combination
DEBUG HLTNav_EgammaPrecisionElectronHypoMT , 0
DEBUG HLTNav_EgammaPrecisionElectronHypoMT , 1
DEBUG Combination
DEBUG HLTNav_EgammaPrecisionElectronHypoMT , 1
DEBUG HLTNav_EgammaPrecisionElectronHypoMT , 1
DEBUG Found two Electrons with mass 90713.5
DEBUG Invariant mass 90713.5 is within [ 'LowerMassElectronClusterCut':50000.0, 'UpperMassElectronClusterCut':130000.] This seleciton passed!
DEBUG Found two Electrons with mass 1.02199
DEBUG Combination failed mass cut: 1.02199 not in [ 'LowerMassElectronClusterCut':50000.0, 'UpperMassElectronClusterCut':130000.]
DEBUG Updat with this combinations passing:
DEBUG leg001_HLT_e26_lhtight_e15_etcut_Zee_L12EM3 ID#688507627 HLTNav_EgammaPrecisionElectronHypoMT , 0
DEBUG leg000_HLT_e26_lhtight_e15_etcut_Zee_L12EM3 ID#2760947942 HLTNav_EgammaPrecisionElectronHypoMT , 1
DEBUG End of Tool -----
DEBUG ComboHypoToolBase: Passing elements are:
DEBUG --- leg001_HLT_e26_lhtight_e15_etcut_Zee_L12EM3 ID#688507627 with 1 elements
DEBUG HLTNav_EgammaPrecisionElectronHypoMT , 0
DEBUG --- leg000_HLT_e26_lhtight_e15_etcut_Zee_L12EM3 ID#2760947942 with 1 elements
DEBUG HLTNav_EgammaPrecisionElectronHypoMT , 1
Addin @fernando , @cjmeyer , @tamartin , @fpastore would like to have their comments and then will remove the WIP
Edited by Debottam Bakshi Gupta