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Adding DL1r cuts in b-jet triggers

Carlo Varni requested to merge cvarni/athena:DL1rCuts into master

Description: This adds the possibility for b-jet trigger chains to cut on the DL1r LLR, the recommended FTAG tagger for Run 3.

LLR is computed as LLR = log( pb/(pu*(1-m_cFrac) + m_cFrac*pc) );, where m_cFrac is a configurable value in the Hypo Tool, set to 0.08 as default.

It also adds the possibility of adding to the menu chains with this nomenclature: HLT_j45_ftf_subjesgscIS_bdl1r60_split that cuts on DL1r LLR with a 60% WP. Right now the WP cuts are not known, so place holders for them are used (from offline values). Added WPs are 60, 70, 77 and 85. More may be added for trigger, similar to MV2c10.

Tagging @suyogs, @sekula and @dguest

Edited by Carlo Varni

Merge request reports
