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TrigAnalysisTest: Set/change menu name in all tests

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:tat-names-prescales into master

The following changes are made:

  1. Rename all tests to include the menu name in the test name, closes ATR-19735
  2. Set menu name in all tests explicitly rather than relying on the default menu (to match the test name regardless of the default value)
  3. Change all Run-3 menu tests previously using LS2_v1 menu (aka Dev_v1) to use LS2_v1_TriggerValidation_mc_prescale, as developed in ATR-21613

The last point is actually the most important.

cc @markowen, @ckaldero, @jpanduro, @okumura

Edited by Rafal Bielski

Merge request reports