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Neural net TTVA tool

Matthew Joseph Basso requested to merge mbasso/athena:nn-ttva-tool into master

Adds TrackVertexAssociationTool/MVATrackVertexAssociationTool, which evaluates neural nets using lwtnn and inherits from ITrackVertexAssociationTool. Adds TrackVertexAssociationTool/MVAInputEvaluator for evaluation of inputs. No recommendations have been provided at this time.

Not sure how slow the tool is compared to the nominal tool or how to check this, but maybe some improvements might be apparent from reviewing the code. The evaluation of the value of the MVA as achieved using lwtnn in Athena vs. Keras in python is detailed here. The difference is small but nonzero with a slight asymmetry. Not sure why, recommendations were to look at the same histogram in particular areas of phase space or to plot the MVA score versus the difference in score as a scatter plot to see if these points fall on the cut threshold for TTVA

@vcairo @kostyuk @keli @npetters @goblirsc

Edit: everything seems to working now imo

Edited by Atlas Nightlybuild

Merge request reports
