ATLASRECTS-5666: Migration of JetFitter package to a modularised version in AthenaMT
Description: A new modularised version of the package tested in 21.2. This is the migration to AthenaMT The code runs in both the split and usual b-tagging configuration as defined in
There are several differences between the 21.2 and the master versions, due to the different environments. Configuration python files are provided in the BTagging/python
folder, while keeping (for the time being?) the old JetFitter configuration files.
Tagging @cpollard, @sanmay, @cschiavi, @vdao , @dguest and @guirriec.
Merge request reports
added Squash commits label
I managed to write down some configuration files for the new JetFitter code and run it without crashing. Can you carefully take a look at the code, in particular the python code?
I still have to do some physics validation. How can I run on ESD and produce AODs in order to compare JetFitter output?
An additional thing: I see that InDetJetFitterVxFinder was already present in 21.2 before the code restructuring, yet I don't see where in the code it is used. Is this expected? Did I miss it?
Cheers, C.
added Analysis BTagging Derivation InnerDetector JetEtmiss master labels
CI Result FAILURE (hash 786536cc)Athena AthSimulation AthGeneration AnalysisBase externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available on this CI monitor view
Athena: number of compilation errors 1, warnings 5
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthGeneration: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AnalysisBase: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 20719]- Resolved by Carlo Varni
added 3 commits
Hi @guirriec , I have uploaded a first attempt to write and old-style JO. However, the code has problem during execution with the following error:
RAWtoESD 13:52:29 Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING : Class Trk::FullPerigeeLinearizedTrackFactory not in database RAWtoESD 13:52:29 Py:PropertyProxy ERROR SequentialVertexFitter.LinearizedTrackFactory: Configurable Trk::FullPerigeeLinearizedTrackFactory is not a ConfigurableAlgTool RAWtoESD 13:52:29 Shortened traceback (most recent user call last): RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/cvmfs/", line 202, in <module> RAWtoESD 13:52:29 else: include( "RecExCommon/" ) RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/cvmfs/", line 631, in <module> RAWtoESD 13:52:29 include ("RecExCommon/") RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/cvmfs/", line 131, in <module> RAWtoESD 13:52:29 treatException("Could not set up btagging reconstruction") RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/cvmfs/", line 129, in <module> RAWtoESD 13:52:29 protectedInclude( "BTagging/") RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/afs/", line 64, in <module> RAWtoESD 13:52:29 btagger = ConfInstance.setupJetBTaggerAlg(ToolSvc, jet) #The [:-4] is not needed here; this function automatically removes trailing 'jets' or 'Jets'. RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/afs/", line 415, in setupJetBTaggerAlg RAWtoESD 13:52:29 btagger = self.setupJetBTaggerAlgs(ToolSvc, [JetCollection,], topSequence, Verbose, options, TaggerList, SetupScheme) RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/afs/", line 505, in setupJetBTaggerAlgs RAWtoESD 13:52:29 thisSecVtxTool = self.setupSecVtxTool('SecVx'+self.GeneralToolSuffix(), jetcol, ToolSvc, Verbose, objs=objs) RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/afs/", line 1410, in setupSecVtxTool RAWtoESD 13:52:29 newJetFitterVxFinder = toolNewJetFitterVxFinder_SV('JFVxFinder') RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/afs/", line 992, in toolNewJetFitterVxFinder_SV RAWtoESD 13:52:29 return InDet__InDetImprovedJetFitterVxFinder(**options) RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/afs/", line 51, in __init__ RAWtoESD 13:52:29 setattr(self, n, v) RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/cvmfs/", line 161, in deepcopy RAWtoESD 13:52:29 y = copier(memo) RAWtoESD 13:52:29 File "/cvmfs/", line 161, in deepcopy RAWtoESD 13:52:29 y = copier(memo) RAWtoESD 13:52:29 RAWtoESD 13:52:29 RuntimeError: SequentialVertexFitter.LinearizedTrackFactory: Default configurable for class Trk::FullPerigeeLinearizedTrackFactory not found in ConfigurableDb.CfgDb RAWtoESD 13:52:29 RAWtoESD 13:52:29 Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 8: "an unknown exception occurred"
Do you have further suggestions?
added 2 commits
Hi, thanks for your help @guirriec. I have now running code. I'll now do some validation test, but in the meantime let's see what the CI says
CI Result SUCCESS (hash a984b778)Athena AthSimulation AthGeneration AnalysisBase externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available on this CI monitor view
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthGeneration: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AnalysisBase: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 20782]