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Offline DQ Software: Muontracking legacycode

Bernard Brickwedde requested to merge (removed):muontracking_legacycode into master

Includes the Run-II MuonTrackMonitoring code into AthenaMT. A switch in 'MuonDQAMonitoring/share/' is introduced.

This MR resolves the issue tracked in It simply re-includes the former Run2 monitoring code, which was accidentally removed.

Tested with 'master_Athena_x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/2020-09-23T2101' and 'reco_tf' as suggested by Lennart Adam.

File used: 'data18_13TeV/physics_Main/00357750/data18_13TeV.00357750.phys ics_Main.daq.RAW/'

Edited by Santiago Noacco Rosende

Merge request reports