WIP: implementing etcut step for electron
As mentioned in ATR-21211 we want to implement an additional step between precisionCalo and final precisionElectron step that is precisionTracking (which was previously combined with precisionElectron). This additional step has a menusequence which does precisionTracking of the events passing precisionCalo step and as menusequence requires a hypo it uses precisionCalo hypo to apply etcut on calclusters already passing precisionCalo step. The sequences look like (https://gitlab.cern.ch/dbakshig/athena/-/blob/ATR_21211_etCutChain/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLTMenuConfig/Egamma/ElectronDef.py#L66)
'etcut' : ['getFastCalo', 'getFastElectron', 'getPrecisionCaloElectron', 'getPrecisionEtcut'],
'lhloose' : ['getFastCalo', 'getFastElectron', 'getPrecisionCaloElectron', 'getPrecisionEtcut', 'getPrecisionElectron'],
'lhvloose' : ['getFastCalo', 'getFastElectron', 'getPrecisionCaloElectron', 'getPrecisionEtcut', 'getPrecisionElectron'],