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tauRecTools: adapt TauVertexVariables to rerun on xAOD


This MR is preparing the ground for an upcoming MR that will allow the full tau reconstruction to be rerun at xAOD level (ATLTAU-1733). In tauRecTools, the only tool that needs to be modified is TauVertexVariables. As the navigation from xAOD::TrackParticle to Trk::Track is not possible in xAODs, we need to use a std::vector<const Trk::TrackParameters*> as input to the VertexSeedFinder, instead of a std::vector<const Trk::Track*>.

I have verified that the 2 methods give consistent results (up to rounding effects) using standalone tau reconstruction from ESDs, where Trk::Track is still available.

All the remaining changes will happen in tauRec, and will be implemented in a follow-up MR.

Tagging @cgrefe , @adbailey , @xiaozhon , @gipezzul , @qbuat for information.

Cheers, Bertrand

Edited by Bertrand Martin Dit Latour

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