Changed the handling of TrackParticles for EFMuon plots in TrigMuonMonitoringMT, ATR-20317
I want to merge this change into master.
When using an AOD file created from data, none of the TrackParticles can be obtained for EFMuon. Therefore, the handling of TrackParticles in TrigMuonMonitoringMT has been changed from the method using TrackParticleLink of EFMuon to the method of acquiring directly from TrackParticleContainer.
I tested using the below command (AOD.pool.root is one of the ones produced in HLT reprocessing ATR-22013) --loglevel DEBUG --dqOffByDefault Input.Files="['AOD.pool.root']" DQ.Steering.doHLTMon=True DQ.Steering.HLT.doGeneral=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doCalo=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doEgamma=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doMET=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doJet=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doBjet=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doBphys=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doMinBias=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doTau=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doMuon=True Output.HISTFileName=HIST.root
and confirmed that the same plot as when using ttbar MC was generated. tagging @nakahama, @cdiez , @sshaw , and @ynoguchi for info.