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Loading of HLT prescale key from athenaHLT

Joerg Stelzer requested to merge stelzer/athena:22.0.18-fixUsageHLTPSK into master

Fix the loading of HLT prescale key in case it is given as cmdline parameter in athenaHLT.

Frank and I made two changes

  • in, informing the HLTPrescaleCondAlg that it should read the key from the TriggerDB in initialize, but not again later from COOL (which is the standard behavior when running from the DB at P1)
  • in the HLTPrescaleCondAlg, that it reads the key in initialize and not in execute again, when told so (configSource=="DB")

This solves the problems running from athenaHLT with --hltpsk <psk>, but should not affect P1. This should be tested at P1, going through a number of prescale changes.

cc @fwinkl @tamartin @astruebi @mark

Addresses ATR-22143.

Merge request reports
