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ATR-22167: Load previous TStreamerInfo objects when deserializing new HLT from BS

Oleg Kuprash requested to merge okuprash/athena:load_bs_streamerinfos into master

Up to now, the TStreamerInfo objects from previous class versions were not loaded when deserializing Run-3 HLT from bytestream. Adding (copying) a function from TrigSerializeResult to load them and to make sure that the HLT BS data serialized with an older release can be decoded in a new release (where the class definitions might be changed). The bs-streamerinfos.root would still need to be populated by hand.

Extending bs-streamerinfos.root with TStreamerInfo objects from 22.0.17 and 22.0.18.

Tagging @tamartin, @tbold, @jmasik.

Merge request reports