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Temporary removal of ghost-association links between VR track-jets and PFlow jets in Hbb DAODs

Giuseppe Callea requested to merge gcallea-21.2-patch-19030 into 21.2

Removing the ghost-association links between the VR track-jets and PFlow jets. This information is causing the crash of some derivations in the bulk production, due to:

Size not the same between collection AntiKt4EMPFlowJets and AntiKt4EMPFlowJets_GhostVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJetJets_BTagging201810. Please either double-check your jet collections, or turn on dRMatch option

This is not a show stopper for our analysis, so we prefer to remove them from the DAOD contents, produce the derivations and investigate the error for the future.

@angianni, @achishol, @eschopf, @hanar

Merge request reports
