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tauRec: thinning of CaloCalTopoClusters_links for tau clusters


This MR adds the functionality to thin the CaloCalTopoClusters_links container and only keep the entries associated with tau clusters. This container is needed for the tau cluster-to-cell navigation in xAODs, but it is too large to be written out without thinning. As discussed in ATLTAU-1733, the CaloClusterCellLinkContainer thinning was not supported so far, and Scott just implemented it (not merged yet). Once it's in Athena, the CaloCalTopoClusters_links size should be reduced significantly (I'm already adding the container to the xAOD output to minimise the number of MRs, so we expect a jump in xAOD size, ATLASRECTS-5684). According to q221 run on 40 events, thinning reduces the container size by a factor of 2.5 (3.0 kb/evt after thinning).

Cheers, Bertrand

Edited by Bertrand Martin Dit Latour

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