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Add ROS caching in TrigCostMonitorMT

Aleksandra Poreba requested to merge aporeba/athena:rob-caching into master

Add ROS caching in TrigCostMonitorMT:

  • in HltROBDataProviderSvc ROBDataStruct is filled and sent to TrigCostMonitorMT
  • received payload is associated with algorithm and stored in TrigCostDataStore<std::vector<robmonitor::ROBDataStruct>> map. The map stores multiple ROBs per algorithm because an algorithm can perform multiple ROS requests per event
  • ROS data is saved to EDM collection:
    ('xAOD::TrigCompositeContainer#HLT_TrigCostROSContainer',   'CostMonDS ESD', 'Steer'),
    ('xAOD::TrigCompositeAuxContainer#HLT_TrigCostROSContainerAux.alg', 'CostMonDS ESD', 'Steer'),

In follow-up MRs:

  • update TrigConstDataStore::push_back and make ROBDataStruct move-constructible
  • fill rest of ROBDataStruct data and save to EDM object

Related to ATR-19180

Tagging @mark @tamartin @rbielski @wiedenma

Edited by Aleksandra Poreba

Merge request reports
