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ATLASRECTS-5752 Disable SCT and TRT in ActsTrackingGeometrySvc for Acts AMVF

Bastian Schlag requested to merge (removed):acts_geometry_disable_sct_trt into master

As reported in ATLASRECTS-5752, switching on the ACTS AMVF significantly increased the memory consumption during initialisation of the ActsTrackingGeometrySvc, mainly due to building a non-optimised version of the TRT. Since no geometry information is needed for the primary vertexing anyways, switching the TRT and SCT off in the ActsTrackingGeometrySvc solves this issue:

Memory consumption (in kB) with Pixel, SCT, TRT:

                         n    cpu    vmem  malloc component
RAWtoESD PMonSD [ini]    1   2550  443464  435277 ActsTrackingGeometrySvc

This is the previous version where we can see the significant memory impact (~450MB, also seen in the plots posted in JIRA).

Memory consumption (in kB) with Pixel, SCT, (no TRT):

                         n    cpu    vmem  malloc component
RAWtoESD PMonSD [ini]    1    220   24576   13410 ActsTrackingGeometrySvc

The TRT has by far the biggest impact.

Memory consumption (in kB) with Pixel, (no SCT, no TRT):

                         n    cpu    vmem  malloc component
RAWtoESD PMonSD [ini]    1     60    3072    2822 ActsTrackingGeometrySvc

The memory impact of the latter is negligible, therefore we switch to only build Pixel in the ActsTrackingGeometrySvc (there needs to be a tracking geometry, therefore one subdetector needs to be built) and no SCT and TRT anymore for the ACTS AMVF.

These changes do not affect the physics performance:











Edited by Bastian Schlag

Merge request reports
