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Bring JVT tool up to date with respect to 21.2

William Keaton Balunas requested to merge wbalunas/athena:jvt-201109 into master

A few minor developments happened for JetVertexTaggerTool in 21.2 at some point that weren't swept to master. This simply ports those changes forward. The main difference from the user point fo view is that updateJvt(...) no longer takes an optional pt-scale argument, as the relevant quantities can now always be computed directly from track moment.

I also noticed that an obsolete copy of IJetJvtEfficiency was still sitting in the JetJvtEfficiency package. The current interface lives in the JetAnalysisInterfaces package, so I've removed this one.

Tagging @sawyer, @cdelitzs, @mswiatlo, @lheinric for their awareness.

Merge request reports