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Add definition of GenFiltHT with neutrinos included

Oliver Majersky requested to merge omajersk/athena:GenFiltHT-bugfix into 21.2

This MR introduces another definition of HT filter in derivation framework, called GenFiltHTinclNu, which includes neutrinos from W/Z/Tau decays.

This definition is found to agree with the HT definition from EVGEN for those samples which had switched on the option to include neutrinos from W/ZTau decays in the HT definition, for example the all-hadronic HT-sliced PP8 ttbar samples (DSID 410429 and 410444).

The original GenFiltHT definition is also kept, since we also have samples (e.g. non-allhad ttbar HT-sliced samples) which were generated with HT definition without including the neutrinos.

The original report can be found in the PMG top processes mailing list archive

Edited by Oliver Majersky

Merge request reports
