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redefinition of muon selection variabales for derivations for r22

Marco Vanadia requested to merge mvanadia/athena:master-MCPderFix into master

this MR:

  • changes the variable name from DFCommonGoodMuon to DFCommonMuonPassIDCuts for clarity
  • changes the variable name from DFCommonMuonsPreselection to DFCommonMuonPassPreselection for clarity
  • makes the two variables orthogonal, avoiding applying ID cuts on the second one
  • removes the cut on CaloMuonIDTag from DFCommonMuonPassPreselection until the impact of this one is better understood for r22

CC @jcatmore @gartoni @maklein @mkbugge @szambito

Edited by Marco Vanadia

Merge request reports
