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TrigP1Test+TrigValTools: re-implement "preload" ART tests

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:preload_test into master

Following the new default configuration of preloaded running at P1 as described in ATR-22143, update our ART tests accordingly using the new forceConditions modifier. In addition, to mimic the SMK generation as much as possible, first dump the configuration into a JSON file and then run from it using a "new" run number. For the latter to work, one additional tweak was needed to avoid loading non-existent prescales from COOL.

Re-factor the rather large code of the "preload" tests into so it can be re-used by the menu-specific tests.

To make the implementation of the above easier, introduced a new PyStep class into the TrigValSteering framework that allows to implement Python-only "steps" via a user-defined function.

cc @stelzer @rbielski @mark

Merge request reports