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Externals Updates, master branch (2020.11.26.)

Updated all projects to atlasexternals-2.0.88. The changes wrt. atlasexternals-2.0.87 are the following (atlasexternals@2.0.87...2.0.88):

  • Updated AnalysisBaseExternals to build successfully on macOS Big Sur (pinging @krumnack);
    • Updated to building Python 3.8.6, and updated all clients of Python to expect this version;
    • Added patches on top of ROOT 6.22/02 to make it build successfully on the new OS;
  • Updated Acts to version v3.0.0 (pinging @bschlag, @corentin);
  • Tweaked the build of HDF5 to avoid getting error messages during the CMake configuration of AnalysisBase on CentOS 7;
  • Deprecated atlas_depends_on_subdirs(...) (pinging @fwinkl).

None of these changes should affect the build in any big way. Still, because of the change in externals, a full-build seems prudent.

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