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Fixes HDBS2 truth containers and adds tau particle flow object containers

Updates the HDBS2 derivation to fix issues with the truth containers, and add Tau particle flow objects required for the reconstruction of the neutral pion in the H->D*+gamma and H->omega+gamma HLRS analyses.

Truth container fixes:

  1. Update "TruthBoson" to "TruthBosons" for the "TruthBosonsWithDecayParticles" and "TruthBosonsWithDecayVertices" containers, which is their current name
  2. Reorder the declaration of:
addBosonsAndDownstreamParticles(DerivationFrameworkJob, -1)

The standard truth contents declare a version of "addBosonsAndDownstreamParticles" within, which only saves the default first downstream generation of Higgs and Z boson decays; we require the full decay chain be saved (achieved with the option "-1"). Explicitly defining "addBosonsAndDownstreamParticles(DerivationFrameworkJob, -1)" before the standard truth contents ensures that our options are the ones used.

Added TauPFO content:

  • TauNeutralParticleFlowObject and TauChargedParticleFlowObject containers with relevant properties, as well as the corresponding TauJet object links.

This is based on the approach in the HIGG4D derivations in "DerivationFrameworkHiggs/python/". Adding the TauPFO containers and object links increases the event size by 0.9% (90.2 kb/event to 91.0 kb/event).

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