Adding dummy electron in TrigEgammaFastElectronFexMT to accommodate idperf chain
Merge request reports
Hi @dbakshig
So we should get one EventViewCreator and two HypoAlgs in the FTF step here.
One HypoAlg hosting the idperf HypoTools with acceptAll=True, will consume the single dummy L2Electron created per ROI.
The other HypoAlg (being the existing one) hosting all the other HypoTools, and consuming the regular collection of L2Eelctron per ROI (unchanged from current design).
If you agree with this description, and it matches what you see in your logs - then it looks good to me. Should work fine. Also in the following steps.
- Resolved by Debottam Bakshi Gupta
added 37 commits
774f3d00...285addf8 - 35 commits from branch
- 92b7c7d5 - Merge tag 'nightly/master/2020-12-09T2101' into idperfChainSetup
- 9255fbde - Adding some DEBUG message to figure out the crash
774f3d00...285addf8 - 35 commits from branch
- Resolved by Tim Martin
added 1 commit
- c15cd156 - Debugging errors in TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoTool and hypotool's AcceptAll property
- Resolved by Debottam Bakshi Gupta
Hi @tamartin you can find the log of my latest commit here
in the sequence I see+-- AthSequencer/Step2_reco +-- AthSequencer/Step2_1fast_electron +-- RoRSeqFilter/FStep2_1fast_electron +-- AthSequencer/Step2_1fast_electron_view +-- AthSequencer/Step2_1fast_electron_reco +-- AthSequencer/electronAthSequence +-- EventViewCreatorAlgorithm/IMl2Electron +-- AthSequencer/electronInViewAlgs +-- AthViews::ViewDataVerifier/IDViewDataVerifier_electron +-- PixelRawDataProvider/InDetPixelRawDataProvider__electron +-- SCTRawDataProvider/InDetSCTRawDataProvider__electron +-- SCTEventFlagWriter/InDetSCTEventFlagWriter__electron +-- InDet::PixelClusterization/InDetPixelClusterization__electron +-- InDet::SCT_Clusterization/InDetSCT_Clusterization__electron +-- InDet::SiTrackerSpacePointFinder/InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder__electron +-- TrigFastTrackFinder/TrigFastTrackFinder__electron +-- InDet::TrigTrackingxAODCnvMT/InDetTrigTrackParticleCreatorAlg_electron +-- TrigEgammaFastElectronFexMT/EgammaFastElectronFex_Clean +-- TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT/TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT +-- AthSequencer/Step2_1fast_electron_idperf +-- RoRSeqFilter/FStep2_1fast_electron_idperf +-- AthSequencer/Step2_1fast_electron_idperf_view +-- AthSequencer/Step2_1fast_electron_idperf_reco +-- AthSequencer/electronAthSequence +-- EventViewCreatorAlgorithm/IMl2Electron +-- AthSequencer/electronInViewAlgs +-- AthViews::ViewDataVerifier/IDViewDataVerifier_electron +-- PixelRawDataProvider/InDetPixelRawDataProvider__electron +-- SCTRawDataProvider/InDetSCTRawDataProvider__electron +-- SCTEventFlagWriter/InDetSCTEventFlagWriter__electron +-- InDet::PixelClusterization/InDetPixelClusterization__electron +-- InDet::SCT_Clusterization/InDetSCT_Clusterization__electron +-- InDet::SiTrackerSpacePointFinder/InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder__electron +-- TrigFastTrackFinder/TrigFastTrackFinder__electron +-- InDet::TrigTrackingxAODCnvMT/InDetTrigTrackParticleCreatorAlg_electron +-- TrigEgammaFastElectronFexMT/EgammaFastElectronFex_Clean +-- TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT/TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT_idperf
I see
twice, so is it what we want? Thanks, Debo.
- Resolved by Tim Martin
After updating to latest nightly I see following
INFO Printing output of failed CountRefComp for chainComp INFO Test file: chainComp INFO Reference file: /afs/ chainComp INFO Found 4 new chains added: chainComp INFO HLT_e20_lhmedium_e15_idperf_Zee_L12EM3 chainComp INFO HLT_e26_idperf_L1EM24VHI chainComp INFO HLT_e28_idperf_L1EM24VHI chainComp INFO HLT_e5_idperf_L1EM3 chainComp INFO Found 14 chains with count differences: chainComp INFO HLT_2e3_etcut_L12EM3: chainComp INFO eventCount: 9 -> 2 chainComp INFO stepCounts: chainComp INFO 1: 9 -> 2 chainComp INFO 2: 9 -> 2 chainComp INFO 3: 9 -> 2 chainComp INFO stepFeatures: chainComp INFO 1: 114 -> 10 chainComp INFO 2: 142 -> 16 chainComp INFO 3: 54 -> 10 chainComp INFO HLT_e12_lhloose_2mu10_L12MU10: chainComp INFO stepCounts: chainComp INFO 1: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO stepFeatures: chainComp INFO 1: 5 -> 0 chainComp INFO HLT_e26_etcut_L1EM22VHI: chainComp INFO eventCount: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO stepCounts: chainComp INFO 1: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO 2: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO 3: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO stepFeatures: chainComp INFO 1: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO 2: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO 3: 1 -> 0 ...
Is it due to any recent merge?(log details:
added 27 commits
c15cd156...9a718c60 - 25 commits from branch
- bce14c12 - Merge tag 'nightly/master/2020-12-10T2101' into idperfChainSetup
- fcf3101f - Adding idperf chains to LS2
c15cd156...9a718c60 - 25 commits from branch
added Egamma Trigger TriggerMenu master labels
CI Result FAILURE (hash fcf3101f)Athena AthSimulation AthGeneration AnalysisBase externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available on this CI monitor view
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthGeneration: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AnalysisBase: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 25054]- Resolved by Tim Martin
so its changing in CI too
chainComp INFO Found 4 new chains added: chainComp INFO HLT_e20_lhmedium_e15_idperf_Zee_L12EM3 chainComp INFO HLT_e26_idperf_L1EM24VHI chainComp INFO HLT_e28_idperf_L1EM24VHI chainComp INFO HLT_e5_idperf_L1EM3 chainComp INFO Found 14 chains with count differences: chainComp INFO HLT_2e3_etcut_L12EM3: chainComp INFO eventCount: 9 -> 2 chainComp INFO stepCounts: chainComp INFO 1: 9 -> 2 chainComp INFO 2: 9 -> 2 chainComp INFO 3: 9 -> 2 chainComp INFO stepFeatures: chainComp INFO 1: 114 -> 10 chainComp INFO 2: 142 -> 16 chainComp INFO 3: 54 -> 10 chainComp INFO HLT_e12_lhloose_2mu10_L12MU10: chainComp INFO stepCounts: chainComp INFO 1: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO stepFeatures: chainComp INFO 1: 5 -> 0 chainComp INFO HLT_e26_etcut_L1EM22VHI: chainComp INFO eventCount: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO stepCounts: chainComp INFO 1: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO 2: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO 3: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO stepFeatures: chainComp INFO 1: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO 2: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO 3: 1 -> 0 chainComp INFO HLT_e3_etcut_L1EM3: chainComp INFO eventCount: 13 -> 5 chainComp INFO stepCounts: chainComp INFO 1: 13 -> 5 chainComp INFO 2: 13 -> 5 chainComp INFO 3: 13 -> 5 chainComp INFO stepFeatures: chainComp INFO 1: 62 -> 8 chainComp INFO 2: 77 -> 12 chainComp INFO 3: 31 -> 8
- Resolved by Tim Martin
- Resolved by Tim Martin
Hi, I am starting a discussion in current implementation I see For idperf
TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Running with 6 previous decisions TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Event No.: 341856231 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Cluster ptr to decision map has size 6 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 1... TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 1... TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 1... TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 0... TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 1... TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 1... TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG AcceptAll property not set: applying selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Cut index 0 TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Fails dEta cut 1.03245 < 0.2 TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG AcceptAll property not set: applying selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Cut index 0 TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Fails dEta cut 0.361834 < 0.2 TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG AcceptAll property not set: applying selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Cut index 0 TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Fails dEta cut 0.301995 < 0.2 TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG AcceptAll property not set: applying selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Cut index 0 TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Fails dEta cut 1.27826 < 0.2 TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG AcceptAll property not set: applying selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Cut index 0 TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Fails dEta cut 0.246476 < 0.2 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Exiting with 5 Decision objects TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Number of positive decisions for Decision object #0: 0 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Number of positive decisions for Decision object #1: 0 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Number of positive decisions for Decision object #2: 0 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Number of positive decisions for Decision object #3: 0 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Number of positive decisions for Decision object #4: 0 TriggerSummaryStep2 0 0 DEBUG Found 5 Decisions for HLTNav_EgammaFastElectronHypoMT TriggerSummaryStep2 0 0 DEBUG In summary 0 chains passed:
in master
TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Executing TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT... TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Running with 6 previous decisions TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Event No.: 341856231 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Cluster ptr to decision map has size 6 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 1... TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 0... TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 1... TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 0... TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 0... TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG electron handle size: 3... TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG AcceptAll property not set: applying selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Passed selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG AcceptAll property not set: applying selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Passed selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG AcceptAll property not set: applying selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Passed selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG AcceptAll property not set: applying selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Passed selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG AcceptAll property not set: applying selection TrigEgammaFastElect...HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 0 0 DEBUG Passed selection TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Exiting with 5 Decision objects TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Number of positive decisions for Decision object #0: 1 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG --- Passes: HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 ID#324908483 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Number of positive decisions for Decision object #1: 1 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG --- Passes: HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 ID#324908483 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Number of positive decisions for Decision object #2: 1 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG --- Passes: HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 ID#324908483 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Number of positive decisions for Decision object #3: 1 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG --- Passes: HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 ID#324908483 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG Number of positive decisions for Decision object #4: 1 TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgMT 0 0 DEBUG --- Passes: HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3 ID#324908483 TriggerSummaryStep2 0 0 DEBUG Found 5 Decisions for HLTNav_EgammaFastElectronHypoMT TriggerSummaryStep2 0 0 DEBUG In summary 1 chains passed:
I am going through log file if any one has any insightthat would be great.
Thanks, Debo.
- Resolved by Tim Martin
- Resolved by Debottam Bakshi Gupta
- Resolved by Tim Martin
added 332 commits
fcf3101f...eb12b181 - 326 commits from branch
- d06a8646 - Debugging TrigEgammaFastElectronHypoTool.cxx to keep return pass reasonable
- 2e1be423 - Merge tag 'nightly/master/2020-12-11T2101' into idperfChainSetup
- ee779855 - Changing some messages from VERBOSE to DEBUG
- a6af2254 - Merge tag 'nightly/master/2020-12-13T2101' into idperfChainSetup
- 6cccbc76 - Fixing do_idperf flags in and adding DEBUG msgs to others
- 9461a7e6 - Merge tag 'nightly/master/2020-12-14T2101' into idperfChainSetup
Toggle commit list-
fcf3101f...eb12b181 - 326 commits from branch