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Draft: porting MUON1 to r22

Marco Vanadia requested to merge mvanadia/athena:master-MUONDERFIX into master

This is a first test for trying to port MUON1 derivations to release 22. This is currently a very, very preliminary draft, mostly useful to get some feedback, and not currently working.

I tried disabling all things I couldn't easily fix. I'm testing these changes with --inputAODFile /afs/ --outputDAODFile test.pool.root --reductionConf MUON1 --preExec 'from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags;DetFlags.detdescr.all_setOff(); DetFlags.BField_setOn()'

Currently this is crashing with:

AODtoDAOD 16:10:56 ToolSvc.TrkDepositInCaloTool ERROR Could not retrieve TileDetDescrManager from DetectorStore!

CC @jcatmore @gartoni @szambito @mkbugge @nkoehler @jojungge @maklein

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