Jet hypo - support multiple FastReducer instances.
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Trigger Jet Hypo In FastReducer, parent Conditions are presented with jte groups made up of jets chosen from those that pass siblings. Jet groups with duplicate jets - ue ot the jet passing > 1 sibling Condition - are discarded. This is the "no jet sharing regime". On occasion jet sharing is required. This MR allows jet sharing by supporting multiple indpendent FastReducrer instances.
As the the trees are independent, while no jet shring is allowed within the tree, there are no contraints across the tree.
An example of such a chain from Run 2 required a forward backward jet, and a high mass dijet. The jets making up the dijet could be shared with the forward backward jets.
The implmentation allows TrigJetHypoToolHelperNoGrouper to have >1 TrigJetHypoToolConfig_fastReduction instances. These re looped over in intialise() to produce multuple Matchers, each governing a FastReducter instance.
partial fulfilment of ATR-22558