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DataQualty Configuration Fixes, master branch (2021.01.12.)

This was triggered by ATLINFR-3920. It turns out that to use RooFFTConvPdf, we need to have LCG's fftw package set up. Since 2 packages (DataQualityUtils and InDetDiMuonMonitoring) use that type directly, I added find_package(FFTW) to those.

  • Doing a slightly bigger cleanup in InDetDiMuonMonitoring, so that it would only link against stuff that it really needs.

I had to modify DataQualityInterfaces because currently it has a bug in it.

(The nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json expression must not be used in the INCLUDE_DIRS list.) I remember having seen this issue in the past, but I have no idea why it was not fixed a long time ago. 😕

  • While making changes in DataQualityInterfaces anyway, I also did some small cleanups in that package as well.

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