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Make McEventCollectionCnv_p5_test and McEventCollectionCnv_p4_test more robust

This commit makes McEventCollectionCnv_p5_test and McEventCollectionCnv_p4_test more robust by:

  • checking all properties of the GenEvent.
  • GenVertex positions not at (0,0,0) to properly test TP conversion of those variables.
  • some double-precision properties are only stored with single-precision in the persistent version, so must be cast to float before being compared.

The current versions of McEventCollectionCnv_p5 and McEventCollectionCnv_p4 flip the order of the GenParticles associated with each GenVertex after T1->P1->T2 conversion. Running though this twice is sufficient to regain agreement (i.e. T1->P1->T2->P2->T3. T1 == T3 != T2).

Edited by John Derek Chapman

Merge request reports
